Require Users to Change their Passwords on Next Login

You can flag user accounts to require a password change the next time their users log in. When logging in, users with flagged accounts will encounter a log in form where they must update their password before they can log on and use Proliance. The new password must meet the constraints of the password policy in effect.

You can require a password change for specific individual accounts, or require that all users change their passwords.

To require that a specific user change their password, select the Must Change Password Next Login check box on the Create User Account, Edit User Account or the Reset User Password dialog box for the user's account. For more information, see "Creating a User Account ", " Editing an Account " or "Reset a User Password".

In some circumstances you may require that all users change their password the next time they log in, for example:

To require all users to change their passwords the next time they log in